Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stuff You Should Have Told Me

So, I’m sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when a co-worker with a baby a couple months younger than Cambria stops by and drops a huge bomb. The convo went something like this:

Her: How did Cambria’s first trip to the dentist go?

Me: Uhhh (long, probably obvious pause). I haven’t taken her yet.

Her: Oh (disappointing look). But, you are going to do it soon right? You have a pediatric dentist, right?

Me: Of course (my face is now red and I’m searching for a deflection). Did you just take your baby?
Her: Yes, and I was going to tell you that I love my pediatric dentist, so if you need a referral… (It went on for awhile longer before I acted like I was late for a meeting and bailed.)

What the hell, moms? Why has no one told me that you take your kids to the dentist so early in life? My pediatrician has never said this to me, though I mostly hold my mom friends responsible. NEVER have I heard of a child going to the dentist before the age of 3! So I turned to the only source I can really trust (yes, that’s a slam to you, my so-called mom friend) – the Internet. According the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists, not only should Cambria have already been to the dentist, but babies are supposed to go when they get their first tooth! WTF? That was more than six months ago!!

To make matters worse, I am pretty sure that when signing up for health insurance late last year, we opted out of “family” coverage for dental and vision insurance, thinking Cambria wouldn’t need to go. So now what? I can’t pay for an out-of-pocket dentist appointment for her. Plus, what do they even do for a 14 month old? Either way, I don’t like the dentist and my dentist is kinda crotchety, so I probably do need to take her to a pediatric dentist. I am super stressed about this and I blame all of you! Can you not help a new mama out once in awhile?

Update: We do, in fact, have family dental coverage, so I made an appointment at my co-worker’s pediatric dentist. When I called, I asked what they do for a 14 month old (btw, after I told the receptionist her age, I got a little sigh). She said they look around, make sure the teeth are coming in right and even clean and polish them! Who knew!



  1. stupid advice + gullable mom = Huge chunk-o-change for pediatric dentist

    You're welcome for this honest feedback,
    - H

  2. You don't need to take them prior to 1 yr (according to my know it all dental hygenist sister). She said a lot of times pediatric dentists do the first evals for free too! The only thing she said we should be doing prior to 1 yr is brushing or wiping the teeth off after feedings, especially breast milk (more acidic).

    Good Luck!


  3. I totally agree with H! My kids did not go until 3 - which is what my dentist said. Before that, they don't sit still and it can be traumatic for them.
    - ANNE
    p.s. none of my 4 kids (ages 5-12) have a single cavity!

  4. My son's doctor didn't recommend taking him to the dentist until he was 18 months. At 2-years-old, he has now gone twice. He does see a pediatric dentist. Both times he has gone the dentist has seen my son in his office and Caden just sits on my lap while the dentist counts his teeth and makes sure there are no cavities. His dentist said they won't do a full exam and cleaning until he is 3.

  5. Just call me Mother-of-the-Year...Kylie didn't go until she was four and Caleb is two and has never gone. Kylie's Ped Dentist said three is about the right age, unless you have concerns...There is no way Caleb would sit still for even a minute at the age he is now so I will wait until he is good and ready so it's not a traumatic experience for him. I'm guessing that will be around age 15! LOL
