Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things That Will Never Come Out of My Mouth

Here is a fun little list. Heidi's entries in gray, Melissa's in blue. We'd love to hear your additions!

- Hurry up and get the kids to bed…I am jonesin to have some sex.
- Is it bedtime already? I have so much energy left to burn!
- I just feel so guilty for spending so much time focusing on myself.
- Nursing is so care-free. I don’t know why the American Academy of Pediatrics doesn’t recommend doing it for longer than one year.
- Shhhh! Is that my bundle of joy I hear on the monitor? Let me get her out of her crib…you stay in bed sweetie.
- I need to beef up – I am just skin and bones.

- I really want to stay home and home school the kids.
- I could do this alone. I don’t need Ryan.
- I don’t need a night away. But, you go ahead and take as much time as you need, honey.
- One more? Hell, let’s read 10 more books. Preferably the same ones over and over.
- I want to give you a bath every day.
- Let me change your kid’s poopy diaper.
- Let’s stay at the zoo all day long and go to every exhibit.
- Can I bring my baby to girls’ night?
- No, I’d prefer you didn’t take her to your parents’ house. I don’t know what I’d do with an hour to myself.

1 comment:

  1. - I would never trade my pre-baby body for my post.
    - I love being home so I can cook, clean and manage the home.
    - No, I don't want my hair appointment, why don't you go in my place.
    - Geez, I really hope this reflux/spit-up thing is forever.
    - I love breast pads.
