Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Moms (Stuff I Never Thought I’d Say)

-Yes, you can play your Nintendo DS, the computer, watch hours of TV, whatever…just give mommy time to breathe.
-I guess I will just have the leftover chicken nuggets for my dinner.
-If you don’t put your shoes on right now, I am leaving you all by yourself (to a five year old).
-Just prop her bottle up so I can finish my dinner.
-Do you want to see my c-section scar? It’s not THAT bad.
-Her baby is ugly.

-Yes, sweetheart. It’s ok to put balls in your mouth.
-Stop licking Kobe.
-Stop licking the table.
-Just put your tongue in your mouth.
-I need to brush your teeth to get the crayon pieces out.
-I will trade you sex for letting me sleep in tomorrow.


  1. I am alone... in my living room... laughing hysterically. You two are funny.

  2. I can't even count the number of times I have told the kids I'm leaving them when they lolly-gag when it's time to leave! For the love of Pete, how hard is it (that's what she said) to put your damn shoes on?!
