Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ahhh...To Be Young Again

It's not like I've put myself on any waiting lists for nursing homes just yet, but let's face the cold hard truth: I will be turning 33 in December. Another little nugget of information, I just celebrated my 10-year service anniversary at my work, which also means I've been out of college the same amount of time.

Much has changed over the past decade. I have accomplished some pretty great things, most noteably are my marriage to the man in the basement (it is just easier to refer to him by that title at this time of night) and the birth of our three little darlings who have FINALLY succumbed to slumber.

But, there are definitely days when I yearn to be younger again. Don't get me wrong, I know I am still young. And I know there are many advantages to leaving my 20s behind. But boy oh boy have things changed. Once a collegiate softball player, I now look forward to my one night a week of volleyball. And by "look forward to," I actually mean consider it my physical and emotional therapy and get royally enraged if it gets canceled.

I was never a partier, but back in the day, at least I could stay up past 10 p.m. without feeling like a truck rolled over me the next day...sans a single drop of alcohol in my bloodstream. At least I can find comfort in my mom friends. None of us can, nor do we want to, party like it's 19-ninety nine (oh man, even that is dating me!) Our ideal night out consists of dressing up in something other than our work clothes, partaking in happy hour specials, and if we REALLY feel crazy, catching a movie. More specifically, the 7 p.m. showing -- let's not get out of hand.

But, you know what the saddest and funniest part is? We will purposely avoid going home until we are absolutely sure that our children are in bed and fast asleep. And I don't think this is unique behavior to just me and my friends. I am willing to bet that moms all around the world follow this unspoken rule. "What time is it? Is it ONLY 8:30 p.m.? That's seems a lot later. I think we should all sit in my car out in the parking lot for at least 45 more minutes and just talk or enjoy the silence together. Is everyone cool with that?"

And you better believe that, on these rare and wonderful nights, husbands everywhere are anxiously waiting and wanting to know where on earth their lovely wives are. Are the ladies getting down at a club? Dancing the night away with some young college men? Taking body shots off the bartender while their friends gather around squealing in delight?

Newsbreak fellas: We are actually fighting off the urge to crash while sitting in our friend's car listening to Delilah on the radio...all in an attempt to return to a quiet least for six blissful hours until the kids wake up and demand breakfast.

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