Sunday, June 14, 2009

You're Rich, You're Stylish, Big Whoop, I'm Awesome

So, I will admit that it has taken me so long to publish a new post that I had to think about what our password was just to get into this thing. My apologies. I did have an excuse, though. My husband and I just returned from a trip to Seattle. It was for my work (exciting world of health insurance), but we extended our stay to make it a mini-vacation as well.

Here are my thoughts on Seattle. It was freakin' fabulous. As compared to Omaha, there were more hills, more stores, more style, more gay men, more culture, more seafood. Here is what was lacking: no Woodard kids. That's right...I missed my little brood. Granted, their tiny faces never even crossed my mind in the first 48 hours of the trip, but after that, I did miss the mayhem that only they can give me.

As I walked the downtown streets with my husband (a lot, what an excellenct city for exercise), I kept noticing all of the business types in their designer shades and high-priced labels. We stayed at a fancy-smancy hotel and it took all of my power to keep my poker face on. You know, the face that reads, "No need to stare at me, I've totally stayed at 5-star hotels before."

After I got over the adjustment of not being in the Midwest anymore, I started to think about how much I meant to my kids and how much they mean to me. And that naturally gave me a little confidence check. As I passed by all of the skinny, well-dressed, completely put-together people, I kept thinking to myself, "Sure, your jeans cost $300, but I know how to multi-task with the best of them. Oh, and what's this stain on my shoulder? It's my daughter's spit-up. Deal with it." And then I shimmied my hips a little like I was on the mommy cat walk.

So, to all the moms out there...we may need to sacrifice our bodies, freedom, and money for our children, but nothing (nothing!) replaces the feeling of coming home to people who believe the world revolves around you. That's right, skinny biotches, add that to my list of accomplishments.


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